Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: My Favourite Things Chorus

When the dog bites, When the bee stings, When I’m feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things, And then I don’t feel so bad.

My favourites – a sunny walk under the open blue sky, the snow  just melted away – it’s early spring – and my best friends are running wild with joy. Then I don’t feel so bad…


15 reaktioner på ”Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: My Favourite Things Chorus

      • Yes, sad to say I have found about 38 to 30 of my images around the web from Pintrest to other sites for people to use as a stock photograph (some not so nice sites – as shocking as it was). Even had some folks on WP taking the images and I found them embedded on their blogs. So I was advised to start including this message right under my images. Doesn’t look too good, but I’m at a lost as to what to do other than closing down my blog. Do you think it takes away from my art, I’m only using it as a deterent.

        Here is a post I did about it a while ago – http://oilpastelsbymary.com/2014/08/18/i-am-mad-as-hell-and-im-not-going-to-take-it-anymore/

        Thanks for asking Ann-Christine, you’d like to think people are honest w/best intentions, but I have found otherwise.

      • This is so disgusting. No honesty whatsoever. I am a quite naive person there…I would not believe someone would steal my work at least. And you as a true artist – I understand your rage. You searched, googled some of your words there…a lot of work to find these bastards.

      • Thanks, I was so upset – thought I’d pass out at first. Then I did a reverse image search on google on every single image I’ve posted and low n’ behold the oceans started to open up and couldn’t believe how many I was finding out there. This is one of the reasons I don’t allow pintrest on my blog, they were the worst offenders (if you go under setting – share this is where you decide to share). If I was selling my work, like Mona who follows my blog – I’d either stop the blog or have an attorney real busy. Her attorney is always sending out notices, she’s an awesome artist and her work is always lifted. I won’t ever stop the practice but I think I’ve put a dent in people taking my images.

        Your photographs are gorgeous, consider asking other photographers what they do to protect the images they put on the web.

        Thanks again, it’s a concerning practice that people do this and don’t think about consequences.

      • I think you did a great job in going after these people. Just for interest I will google some of mine – even if they have no names. Hopefully you have scared them off.

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