Travel theme: Fresh

Ailsa, on Where’s My Backpack, is asking for something fresh – how about some fresh students from yesterday? The day you leave school, in Sweden you are nineteen, is one of the greatest days to remember. The world is open – new and fresh. Enjoy their happiness!



16 reaktioner på ”Travel theme: Fresh

  1. Pingback: Fresh as the Mountain Air – The road to and from Nagarkot | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  2. Pingback: Travel Theme-Fresh | WoollyMuses

      • Not that I know of. Most schools here require students to wear school uniform, and there really isn’t a formal graduation day. There are end of year prize givings and a leavers’ farewell dinner/ball but I have not seen anything like your Swedish celebrations or the US type graduations. Perhaps we should change our traditions.

      • Traditions are important, I think. I guess you do to. Unless something feels very wrong, I do not think you should change old traditions! But, if there are no real traditions…maybe you might adopt what you feel would be nice.

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