An Award – to all of you!

Sometimes I’m offered an award. I’m not playing along very often, but I’m always grateful that somebody thinks I’m worthy of it! And then, sometimes I feel I just Have to play along. (My heart is of course swelling…) Given the time too, and with no difficult answers to be given… Here we go!

A big Thank You goes to Across the Bored who has sent along a Most Influential Blogger award! A lovely opening about herself is:” Old enough to rant, too old to rave yet sufficiently young to forge a path into the future.“ Influencing people sounds great – as long as it is in a positive way – so accepting this feels great as well. I would like to point out that EVERY blogger in our community is influential in his or her own way. So, thank you All of you out there for inspiring!

Conditions For Accepting The Award

To accept this award, the awardee must do the following:

  1. Display the Award on your Blog.
  2. Announce your win with a blog post and thank the Blogger who awarded you. Do not lump this award with any other award in a “basket”, “bouquet” or “collection” etc, I would rather you didn’t accept the award.
  3. Present 10 deserving Bloggers with the Award.
  4. Link your awardees in the post and let them know of their being awarded with a comment (or a pingback).
  5. Include an embedded video of your current favourite song (YouTube has virtually everything, just copy and paste the link into your WordPress editor). If a video is not possible you can embed a SoundCloud track.

And the Award goes to the hosts/hostesses of these: Greenmackenzie Vastlycurious Gallivanta

Bente Haarstad Photography Bente Harstad M.R. I know, I know…you don’t want this… Viveka Amy Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera Scottseyephotos In Flow Beyond the Brush


Please, check them all out – each one is influential in their own right, and offers us another unique perspective on our world!


My video is for all you positive inspirers! The song is stuck in my mind since I first heard it, and the clip is happy and warm hearted. Have a great weekend!

22 reaktioner på ”An Award – to all of you!

  1. First of all congratulations with the award. It’s very well deserved, Ann-Christine. And then secondly, thank you for passing the nomination on to me. I feel very honoured. I will get back to it – although it will take some time. 🙂

  2. Thank you so much, A-C – Congratulations to you and my fellow nominees.
    And I really like song. Not very good on passing on awards … but it doesn’t mean that I’m not honored, because I’m.

  3. Thanks so much for thinking of me!! I am honored to be in such wonderful company ! Two of the blogs I have never seen but will now look. I would love to meet all of the wonderful women you have chosen including YOU : )


  4. Love ya, Ann Christine ! – a good heart and an amazing photographic talent ! 🙂 Thanks for thinking of me, m’dear. ❤ ⭐

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