Travel theme: Pink

Pink comes in many different hues. My three beautiful flowers – One sunlit pelargonia, a soft spring magnolia and a lovely student of mine at last year’s ball!

For more of Pink, go to Ailsa on Where’s My Backpack?

36 reaktioner på ”Travel theme: Pink

  1. Pingback: Travel Theme: Pink. | Chasing Butterflies: Sunshine and Freedom

  2. wowwwwwww – that dress was a shocker – and so fun. I like how you put it after the flowers – and so while scrolling it just kind of ”pops up” – so fun. 🙂 ~y.

    • Jag frågade henne om hur hon tänkt, och hon hade bestämt sig att för att en enda gång i livet känna sig som en prinsessa. Och det gjorde hon!

  3. What a stunning dress. I have never seen one that shade before, but it really makes an impact, and the girl that is wearing it, she suits it perfectly. Wonderful photo ideal for this challenge.

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