Weekly Photo Challenge: Beginning

Last year we saw the beginning of a new building further down our street. A rather dilapidated old house was torn down and a magnificent old garden with a giant apple tree had to go. I still miss that apple tree…There used to lie tons of apples under it in Autumn – for anyone to pick and use.

This company sets up a new house in a couple of days only – now there are people living in all of its apartments. Lights in every window this grey winter.

Find more beginnings here.

37 reaktioner på ”Weekly Photo Challenge: Beginning

  1. Pingback: Beginnings from Arco – 2 | Through the Eye of Bastet

  2. Pingback: The Weekly Photo Challenge: Beginning « blogagaini

  3. Pingback: There is always a new beginning | Words 'n Pics...

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Beginning (2) | What's (in) the picture?

  5. A rather sad beginning. The speed at which independent houses are giving way to multi storeyed buildings, is making me anxious for my mango tree next door!

    • I think you should be…It seems to be easier, and more cheap, to tear down the old buildings than repairing them. They are building new (often charmless and ugly)ones everywhere.

  6. Pingback: Beginnings from Arco: Weekly Photo Challenge | Through the Eye of Bastet

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Beginning | A mom's blog

  8. That seems like a system we should have here. It might speed up the rebuild. Sad about the apple tree though. It would be nice if the construction company planted a new tree for everyone taken down 🙂

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Beginning | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)

  10. How sad to lose such an old friend, and I’m astonished at the construction speed. I’m hoping that these are affordable community houses, and that this piece of earth is now nourishing something new and worthwhile.

    • I think they are OK. It’s alocal company that has constructed a new kind of walls and way of fitting them together. The apartements hardly need any heating and they are saving energy that way. Not too expensive either. We went visiting and the ones with two rooms only were very well designed. The ones with three rooms had the kithcen on the doorstep…I don’t like that. Maybe because of the dogs?

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