Travel theme: Multicoloured

I chose only man’s work this time. Nothing beats Nature, but these buildings and works of art are… multicoloured too.

London juni 2013 025Neal’s Yard, London

Vanås 11 september 2011 021Art – Vanås, Sweden

Barcelona och Pyrenéerna 2011 078Art – Gaudí, Barcelona

London 2013 021London

Why don’t you join in? I’d love to see all your multicolours!

28 reaktioner på ”Travel theme: Multicoloured

  1. Pingback: Ailsa’s Travel Photo Theme: Multicolored (Italy) | JaniceHeck

  2. I’m glad I joined this week, just so I could see the gorgeous colors in your photos. 🙂 I was in Neal’s Yard some years ago, but I mostly remember the cheese shop, which was my destination.


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