Weekly Photo Challenge: The Golden Hour

In photography, the “golden hour” is the first and last hour of sunlight of the day. Photographers venture out on sunrise hikes or sunset treks to capture a magical shot, due to the quality of the light during that time of day.

Inte bara fotografer njuter av denna första eller sista timme av sol, the Golden Hour – den Gyllene Timmen. Jag tror att det där bleka morgonljuset före och det sena, mjuka aftonskenet efter arbetsdagen ger varje människa ett lugn och en känslighet som bara detta speciella ljus kan ge. På väg hem från London blev det här min Golden Hour.

But, not only photographers love the Golden Hour. It’s the feeling that pale morning light and soft evening sun gives you – I think every human being becomes more sensitive before and after the busy working day. There’s often a stillness in the air and you feel relaxed in body and soul.

At least I did, on the flight home from London two weeks ago. So, here’s my Golden Hour.

London 2013 199

For more relaxing, click here.

54 reaktioner på ”Weekly Photo Challenge: The Golden Hour

  1. Pingback: Travel Theme: Above « Leya

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Golden Hour Architecture | Humbled Pie

  3. Pingback: Golden Morning Glow | Jake Kuyser

  4. Vilken drömbild. Jag håller med alla ovanstående kommentarer. Den är verkligen överjordisk, i dubbel bemärkelse. Jättefin.

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: The Golden Hour | Endless Skys

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: The Golden Hour | Pilot Fish

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: The Golden Hour | Something to Ponder About

  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: The Golden Hour (At Sunrise on the Road) | What's (in) the picture?

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