Travel theme: Peaceful

Vad kan vara mer fridfullt än denna morgon vid havet, mellan sex och sju, medan de flesta sover. Bara någon enstaka mås hörs, en gök ropar i skogen intill och ett dämpat plask hörs från en and med sina små.

What can be more peaceful than this early morning by the sea, between six and seven, when most people are asleep. A lonely gull, a cuckoo calling from the forest nearby and a silent splash from a wild duck hurrying away with her ducklings.

For more lovely peaceful entries, go to Ailsa!

Sommar 2013 018 Sommar 2013 015 Sommar 2013 009

38 reaktioner på ”Travel theme: Peaceful

  1. Pingback: 6-9-13 Travel Theme-Peaceful #2 | The Quotidian Hudson

  2. Pingback: a fleeting moment of peace | my sweetpainteddreams

  3. The jetty photo is incredible. It makes me feel funny inside because it brings back childhood memories of Sweden. We visited a place exactly like that – your picture captures EXACTLY how it felt. My brother was about three and I was six. We were playing at the end of a jetty just like this and he fell in the lake head first. General panic happened, and my dad managed to fish him out. The first thing he said from his little drowned face when he was back on dry land was, ”I went and visited the fishes.”

  4. Stunning and it’s so cooling… we are almost into the 100’s already here at 7AM! and wonderful about joining me…i shall email you the password. xo

  5. Yes very … a nice place to escape to Ann-Christine. Lovely reflections of the sky in the water’s edge in your last image .

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