Lens-Artists Challenge #298 – To Be Young Again

Tina has chosen a lovely challenge this week – with children around the world. The very thought of it makes me smile, as I will focus on the happy children and youngsters I have met during my travels – and of course my little grandchild, Myra.

The soul is healed by being with children.
― Fyodor Dostoevsky

From start to finish these images were caught in Nice, Bhutan, Prague, Japan, Iceland and Sweden. The last image too is from Japan and the Golden Week Wisteria festival.

To be young again…to feel the warmth of a mother’s or father’s care – or from a teddy bear – to test your strength in games and play, to dress up and feel beautiful, to sing and dance and get applause, to be carefree, enjoy endless freedom, joy and love.

I also strongly believe that children and animals, if possible, should grow up together. Multiple scientific studies show that pets can have a positive impact on a child’s overall development and well-being. 

Pets help teaching responsibility, enhance social skills and verbal skills. They build empathy and offer emotional support, and last but not least – they promote physical health.

I look forward to seeing your creative responses! Please remember to link them to Tina’s original post and to use the Lens-Artists Tag to help us find you. Thanks also to those who responded to Egidio’s “Music to my Ears” challenge. I have still got to visit more of your answers – but I only came home yesterday from our trip to Japan, and feel a bit jet-lagged… I really enjoyed what I have seen so far, and many songs I knew nothing about, so I learned new things again. (Blogging is learning!)

I hope you’ll join us next week too, when Patti leads us once again on her wonderful Pilotfish blog. Until then please stay safe, be kind and enjoy the journey.

Macro Monday – Transparent

I found this tiny spider in one of my indoor plants – it was totally transparent. Almost impossible to photograph.

Lens-Artists Challenge #297 – Music to My Eyes

Egidio is leading a challenge made for real music lovers this week – and I have chosen two of the most loved songs in my book, Morning Has Broken and What a Wonderful World. Be sure to visit his beautiful site for more inspiration. And, if you are participating, please link to the original post and add the Lens-Artist tag.

Morning Has Broken – is a Christian hymn first published in 1931. It has words by English author Eleanor Farjeon and was inspired by the village of Alfriston in East Sussex, then set to a traditional Scottish Gaelic tune, ”Bunessan”. Cat Stevens made it popular all over the world. This song I consider to be one of the most beautiful ones ever written. My children know I want it for my funeral. In Cat Steven’s interpretation.

What a Wonderful World – was written by Bob Thiele and George David Weiss. It was first recorded by Louis Armstrong and released in 1967 as a single. In April 1968, it topped the pop chart in the United Kingdom, but in the United States the president of ABC Records disliked the song and refused to promote it.

After it was heard in the film Good Morning, Vietnam, it rose to number 32 on the Billboard Hot 100. Armstrong’s recording was inducted to the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999.

Louis Armstrong – I always hear his grainy, harsh voice whenever I feel overwhelmed by nature, grand landscapes and its beauty, silence and serenity. His voice is the perfect choice for every moment…

It is a wonderful world in every detail…

big or small…

from the tiniest dew drop …

to the abundance in flowers…


and animals. And everything and everyone new to the world is soft…


and wonderfully fresh.

My Swedish favourites I had to leave out…but I have some there too of course. Songs from our own language are special, and like all other lyrical texts, cannot be translated properly with their original feeling. In the Scandinavian countries you often find a melancholical touch with music written in a minor key. Music for magical summer nights and autumn colours.

Last week we had Ritva making us post abstract photos – and it was really an eye-opener on how many abstracts we really make! Thank you for a great challenge!

Next week it is Tina’s turn to host, be sure to visit her magical site for more inspiration. Until then – stay calm and be kind.